Dinner at Colin’s

Colin has taken delivery of a big leather sofa, a coffee table and a cowhide rug. That means there’s enough seating for all of us, so we are invited to his flat for dinner. It’s dinner with a view too.

Yahtzee. It’s a serious business.

This morning I went down to Interlaken while Val did her German class. At lunchtime a large parcel arrived. There are lots of foreigners in Switzerland, and an industry aiming to provide them with things that are normally unobtainable here has sprung up. The British are well catered for, with lots of online shops selling familiar brands. We’ve never been tempted in the past, preferring to use local alternatives, but sometimes only the real thing will do. Here’s what we got in our parcel.

Bisto, in particular, is hard currency in Wengen (current exchange rate: 1 bisto = 2 beers last time we exchanged one with Shelly in the Crystal bar). Sarson’s vinegar is another thing that’s a real treat if you’re tucking into some chips – Angela keeps a bottle behind the bar in Rocks.